Civil society accreditation in pursuit of improving CSO access to domestic funding: The case of Thailand

In Thailand, HIV transmission is predominantly due to sex work, injecting drug use, and unprotected anal intercourse between men who have sex with men (MSM). International donors have long focused their HIV prevention support to key populations, generally employing a strategy of contracting civil society organizations (CSOs) to deliver essential HIV prevention services. As the Global Fund and other international donors reduce their HIV investments in Thailand, it is unclear the extent to which the Thai government will be able or willing to continue to support CSOs financially.

As a means of addressing this problem and improving CSO access to domestic streams of funding is through a method of Civil Society accreditation process. Read more about this in APCOM’s case study, “Civil society accreditation in pursuit of improving CSO access to domestic funding: The case of Thailand”, created as part of  the SHIFT Program’s case studies on good practices.


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